I got an unexpected, early Christmas gift last night: A puppy.
We had lost two of our fur-babies in the past nine months (one in March and one in September), and it’s hard to overstate the impact of grieving on your energy level and general ability to accomplish the things you’d like to get done.
A few hours of puppy therapy, though, and it’s all smiles and big plans for all the things I had hoped to accomplish.
So, after another day or two of honeymooning with our new fur baby, and appreciating her for the joy she brings to our lives, I plan to start with actual book reviews–in keeping with the title I had originally established for this blog.
Those dogs are gorgeous 🙂 Sorry to hear of your earlier losses; dogs really are part of the family.
Don’t worry, I’m not a weird stalker, I just saw your blog on the list of A Round of Words in 80 Days participants hehe
Glad to see you here, then…! In case it wasn’t entirely apparent already, I am a bit of a privacy hound, so anti-stalker sentiment will get you everywhere! 😀