It’s been one of those weeks… Where your allergies poke through your sinuses like a distracting spear and generate regular headaches of epic proportions. So it’s been easy to rationalize feeling too tired to face all my many goals and deadlines.
The good thing: I still managed to stay ahead of my schoolwork and turn in all my assignments on time.
The bad thing: even though I didn’t spend every night of the week working on schoolwork, I didn’t spend any time working on my fiction writing.
I’m still enough of a Pollyanna to think I’m going to make my self-imposed end-of-month deadline for book two of the Red Slaves series. (You can stop laughing now!) School assignments are at least reminding me that I’m a pretty speedy writer–and my professor’s assessments tell me that even at speed I’m coherent.
My other, new goal: Since it looks like the anthology will be a no-go, I don’t want to lose the short story I previewed a while back. I think I’m going to rework it slightly and release it as a Halloween short, as a preview of a new urban fantasy series whose plot bunnies are chasing through my brain. We’ll see how well all these writing goals pan out… and I’m counting on these weekly ROW80 check-ins to keep me honest in their pursuit.
Visit the list of other ROW80 participants to see how they’re dealing with their goals.