I’m trying for my third NaNo in a row this year, despite being in the middle of my second MBA class. I missed all my previous goals to finish book 2 of Red Slaves, so for some reason I have this thought that I’ll finish both that and book 3 in November.
So. For now, I’m stripping it back to one post per week: My weekly Sunday check-in reporting on my progress. (Though I do have an author interview coming up November 21 with the lovely A.M. Harte about her new release. The heavy lifting on that is already done, though, so those words don’t count toward my November total.)
I’ve developed a daily timetable to remind me and my husband of which hours are blocked off for furious writing. After sleeping, eating, day job, and school, I think I’ve carved out at least 72 hours over the course of the month to pound on the keyboard. If I’m super-efficient, that should add up to 72,000 words and 2 novels.
That’s the ultimate question: With everything else going on, can I be super-efficient?
We’ll answer that question here, this month, and report next month.
Wish me luck.
Go for it Tonya. You CAN do it and it will be worth it. Cathy x
You can do EEEEET! =)
OOOOHHH….oh boy. Well, I’m right there with you. I succumbed to the pressure and joined Nano. O.o Let’s both finish..something. Anything.
I really want to type THE END…