Full disclosure here: I got to both beta read and edit G L Drummond‘s latest offering, Arcane Solutions. So I’ve seen it in rough form
Year: 2012
I ran across a hard-cover version of this on the clearance table of a local book store, and decided that a speculative fiction novel about
I learned about Wen Spencer through the random bookshelf promotion at a local book store via her Tinker and Wolf Who Rules books, so began
Once again this week, I stumbled across an author on Twitter who is releasing a new book. @jennnixon is a veteran indie, with four novels
Once again, Twitter introduced me to an interesting, supportive fellow writer in @BPuttroff who helped me #wordmonger my way to a NaNo win this year.
I rang in the new year with a quick trip to visit family in Virginia, where I have a niece in the third grade. My