Not Resting on My Laurels

There is a force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results. -Mahatma GandhiI completed another class. And another story. With one of the worst head colds I’ve ever had.

Sometimes I surprise myself with my tenacity. So the Gandhi quote I found rather randomly online recently is feeling very close to my surface reality today. In fact, I was worried I was so fogged in over the weekend that I would only be able to produce blather for my final exam, a 20-page paper. I logged in this morning and discovered … 100%.


I checked again tonight to make sure I hadn’t just been wishfully seeing things. It was still there. The miracle of it is that it’s a marketing plan that will actually be useful for the company I wrote it for–my husband’s acupuncture clinic.

Of course, the one thing that fell behind of my goals was getting in all the walks and miles I had targeted.  Sitting for 20 hours to write up that volume of research will do that to a body. I still managed 3 shorter walks, earlier in the week.

All this adds up to… pretty much, ROW80 kept me on track again this round. I completed the A-Z challenge; I completed all my coursework on time; I made my stretch goal of releasing my fifth story; and I got regular exercise.

I’m wondering if that means I need bigger goals, or I’m tapping into that power Gandhi mentioned, that allows for miracles.

Either way, I’m grateful. Despite my still-stuffed head.

This will be my final check-in for this round, but I’ll be staying busy. See how the others have done by visiting the linky.

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