Piled Higher and Deeper

Watcha doin?This week I got the critique back on my novelette, Wytchfire, and felt so stoked for the story, my happiness might have overflowed… My online friend Ciara Ballintyne sent out a call that Club Fantasci was looking for another reviewer. Since my editor, Dionne Lister, and the first person to review my first book, MJ Kaufmann, were both also involved, I figured it could be a lot of fun. So, about once a month, you’ll see me posting reviews there. And, in the event that someone’s not able to make the monthly Google+ hangout to discuss their book of the month… I’ll be the pinch-hitter.

This, on top of my monthly commitment to the Starbound Lovers blog, means I’m forcing myself to get out and about a little more.


Even so, I’ve been a good girl, keeping up with school, and my DogWalk app tells me I took four walks for a total of over 6.6 miles this week.

I even began drafting two new reviews for my blog for this month.

However, for all my excitement about the feedback on Wytchfire, I’ve been too tired to do anything more than step 2 of my process: Properly segment the work into a new Scrivener file, in preparation for the deeper, structural dive necessary to polish it to its final state. I would love to finish and release it before my huge final paper is due 6/16–which is also pretty close to the time this round ends. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I manage that, since Friday is the first of two dental circles of hell for me this month, and I don’t know how long it will take for me to recuperate from the numbing agents they use to be able to do whatever’s necessary.

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9 thoughts on “Piled Higher and Deeper

    1. You kicked it off in style and helped me find the excitement in my story again. It’ll be work, but you gave GREAT direction. 🙂

  1. The feedback on Wytchfyre sounds like a definite high-point, Tonya. And hooray for those 6+ miles! I bet The Furry One is pretty happy with that too. (I always love seeing your husky pictures, even if they do make me miss my childhood more.)

    Take time, rest and recover once dental-hell begins. It will end eventually.

    1. 😀
      The furry Queen only allows us a proper night’s sleep on those days when she’s had her proper tribute walk…
      As for this particular Husky pic… It floated through my FB timeline at some point in the past few months. It looks a LOT like Kyra, but that’s not my house. 😉
      The caption, though…. SPOT ON. 😀

      1. I get it completely! We had a husky when I was growing up, and she was… expectant when it came to our behavior. 🙂

  2. Dental circles of hell! I hate those. But great feedback on your work is always nice (though don’t think it makes up for the drills…). Good luck with getting the final edit done before the final term paper…

    1. I’m going to be working like crazy tonight; as great as the feedback was… thar be Plotholes to fix!

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