SFR Brigade Midsummer Blog Hop


It’s an out-of-this world week for me, as I’ve released my latest story: Wytchfire. You have a chance to win it, or my scifi/romance novel, Dementional, as part of this bloghop. To whet your appetite, here’s a snippet:

All these clues pointed to either a long-term hotel stay—or something more institutional… Maybe she was crazy and this was how she was being treated?

She felt logical. She didn’t think she had any delusions. She had undertaken a rational inventory. So what had happened to her memory?

Her face could be a clue; she stared into the mirror after she flushed the toilet. Her skin was clear and fair. Her brown hair was cut short, in a stylish pixie. Her eyes were not bloodshot, although the brown irises meant she was of a common genetic phenotype. The bridge of her nose looked lumpy enough to point to a broken past. She opened her mouth wide; did she have any distinctive dental features that might help recover her identity?

How did she even know people could check dental records to confirm an individual’s existence? Her brain felt like Swiss cheese. It was time to do a more exhaustive inventory of what was in her room to see whether there were any clues to who she might be.

An hour later, she had neat piles of maternity shirts, pants, sweaters, jackets, and underwear on one side of the bed, while the other held a few romance novels with heroines looking almost as busty as she was stacked next to a small selection of children’s books.

She was as much of a mystery to herself as she’d ever been. Who was this woman who seemed to have Ann Klein-style taste in clothing, insipid reading material, and no other indication of identity?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The prizes for Rafflecopter participation are substantial, so don’t miss your chance at:
1st Prize – $150 Amazon or B&N gift card (winner’s choice) and an eBook bundle (includes: Ghost in the Machine, Bayne, Recast Book 1: Wither, Recast Book 2: Clash, Alien Adoration, Switched, Reckless Rescue, Wreck of the Nebula Dream, Keir, Terms & Conditions Apply, The Key, Marya, The Iron Admiral, Sasha’s Calling, Trouble at the Hotel Baba Ghanoush, Winter in Paradise, Once Upon a Time in Space, the Telomere trilogy, Winter Fusion, Blue Nebula, Demential, Wytchfire, Maven, Fires of Justice, Interface, Girl under Glass, Breakout, Ghost Planet, The Iron Admiral: Conspiracy and Deception, Stark Pleasure, The Plan, Starburst, and Games of Command.)

2nd Prize – $50 Amazon or B&N gift card (winner’s choice)

3rd Prizes – four $25 Amazon or B&N gift cards (given to separate winners and their choice)

And go visit the other blogs to increase your opportunities to win:

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22 thoughts on “SFR Brigade Midsummer Blog Hop

  1. Hi! Awesome post! Your book sounds great!! Loving this hop! So many awesome authors! 🙂 Thank you! Have a great day!

  2. Wow! I seriously appreciate all the encouragement about the snippet! 🙂
    Thanks so much, Mary, Anna, Pippa, Eva, AR, Sandra, BookAttict, Veronica, Ryan, Jean, Liza, bn, and Anna.

    Fingers crossed for everyone on the giveaway. 🙂

  3. Thanks for participating in the hop. I have discovered many new authors to add to my TBR list in the last few days.

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