The Gentle Bump of the Return Home

There's always that one friend...I’m home again. I’m happy, really, to have my bed back, and my husband, and my girleez… but it’s always sad to leave behind people you really care about after a heckuva lot of fun and untold interesting conversations. While I was helping my mom re-settle into her house later this week, I added meeting one more Internet friend to my total: Sabrina Garie stopped by for a few hours’ chatting Friday to bring my IRL meeting count up to … 8.

I’m starting to suspect I’m the crazy cat in the picture to the right.


But tonight also closes the books on another class, so I’m one closer to finishing the MBA. And that gives me this week to WORK ON FICTION! Which, combined with the boost of having met a bunch of my fellow writers over the past week has me all hyper to write.

In fact, while I was trying not to doze off on the last flight home of the week yesterday I had one of those inspirations for one of the short stories in my triptych that kept me awake enough to add words. I added more today. So that story now stands at 586 words, which excites me and makes me think that if I can finish this one and the other one this week… I could maybe get that set out for Halloween.

In my dreams.


But that’s my goal for this week, since I won’t have any school obligations, and my work email was quiet (for the most part) while I was gone, so I might have a “normal” schedule there, too. I’m still on the fence about NaNoWriMo this year, given last year’s epic fail, and the unknown of my next class’ requirements, but if I can get in the habit of more words on a regular basis, I’ll be a much happier camper.

My other goal: Get back to walking. We took one 1-miler yesterday after hubs picked me up from the airport, and what felt like the nip of November tugged at our ears on the lake-front, but I didn’t take any that “counted” while I was underway. (Though… the way some airport terminals are spaced… I did WALK. And countless trips between the up and downstairs of my mom’s house to start organizing her stuff has my legs, back, and arms telling me I WORKED.)

We’ll see. And I’ll report back again next week. Meantime, check out how the others are doing this round.

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3 thoughts on “The Gentle Bump of the Return Home

  1. Love the photo. I have a niece who’s definitely the one with the tongue hanging out. I don’t have one “normal” picture of that child, and she’s turned 13 already. Not one.

    Those trips on the stairs count twice. Give yourself some credit and have a great writing week!

  2. Congrats on finishing the class! I hope this week treats you as well as it seem it will. And I think the airport walking and stair climbing can count toward getting back to it. If you feel it, you did it. 🙂

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