"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science." -Albert EinsteinI’m finally back to writing–if only on 3 days of the past 7 because of several night-time work commitments. I’ve recast the first chapter of Dust to Blood so the inciting incident is no longer off-page, and am working to bring forward the driving conflict for the story so readers don’t have to be patient with the story coming to a slow boil. So far I’m about halfway through what I need to do in the first chapter, then I’ll need to mesh up with the following chapters so there’s no unintended redundancy. If I can get through the first five chapters this week… I may even be able to proceed with the re-release next week.


I’m again grateful for the writer’s workshop this spring for having raised the questions and possibilities that let me see how to best advance the story and get me in the proper mindset to finish the series. I’ll be glad to finally bring to completion something that has been in my head for so many years now. It’s all of a sudden unexpected to have reached this point. But it will be nice to have one less thing on my plate.

The walking bit… well, the weather was still mostly miserably hot and humid. Natasha is definitely showing her Wisconsin roots, and though she’s in the best shape she’s been in, the heavy weather wears her out more than the two younger ones. And she’s uncharacteristically avoiding going outside if she can. Still, we again managed 14.3 miles, even if we broke up those walks to much shorter versions than our normal treks.

Instead of a stay-at-home date night, this week we actually went out. We watched Ant Man at a local theater where you can eat dinner while watching the movie, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Once again I wholly agree with Carrie Vaughn’s movie review, and have to echo how much fun this movie is. I love the idea that Marvel is creating a super-show, with one or two new “episodes” per year, each of which is feature length and ties in seamlessly with the rest of the world they’ve built. I love the minor and recurring characters, and hubs and I have been quoting Louis and Dr. Pym to each other for the past two days.

The interesting reflection of that unexpected fun is that I’ve seen links to several happy couple habits articles this week. Hubs found one at the Huffington Post outlining 10 habits, and Kait Nolan tweeted a link to 7 things happy couples do that added to that list. It’s nice to find such consistent validation for the choices we’ve come to on our own.

The truly unexpected of the week came this evening, though. Both of us were happily ensconced in our offices and being productive when we heard a very loud pop. After resettling our nerves, we discovered that the downstairs sliding glass door inner pane had decided to disintegrate. With nobody in the room and for no real reason. We have small glass slivers on the floor in front of it, but haven’t been able to get in touch with any maintenance help yet, so we’re half expecting to find a pile of glass shards after the next strong wind or big storm. We’ll see how long it takes to get this fixed, but in the meantime, none of us will be using that door–or even going anywhere near it–for the foreseeable future. At least KouKi is FINALLY past her heat period this week, so we can take the pups back to Affectionate to run off all the extra steam they’ve built up in the past three weeks.

We’ll see whether that helps me cement my progress toward a regular writing habit this week, but in the meantime, I suggest checking out the other ROW80 participants’ reports. I’ll be back again next week to let you know how I do.

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2 thoughts on “Expect the Unexpected

  1. Sounds like you’re making really great progress on your revisions. Woo hoo! I’m a big fan of the Marvel Universe stories, too. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed Ant Man. We haven’t seen it yet, and I hadn’t really heard any reviews, either. Have a great week!

  2. Good to hear of the increased productivity. I have also had several night commitments last week that intruded on my writing time.

    Here’s to a productive and fantastic week!!

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