So 2023 begins. Actually productively. I finished a big editing job this weekend for a nonfiction book that has my cogs turning about the power
Tag: Indie
It’s been a few years coming, but I’m proud to say that FINALLY, the Red Slaves trilogy is complete. Not without a bit of drama,
As promised, today is the official release day for The Builders. At 61,211 words, it’s my longest novel yet and branches me out into the
My author friend Jane Isaac nominated me for a Lovely Blog Award earlier this week. Since I need a writing exercise that keeps my keyboard
As you may remember, one of my goals this round was to post more book reviews… since that was, ostensibly why I started this blog.
I happened to stumble across this blog fest last week so am doing a quick shout-out post for the benefit of other indie authors who
New story release days are always fun–especially when they hadn’t been part of the original plan for the year. So consider this my bonus present
I woke up this morning at the ungodly hour of 4AM for a very good reason: I FINALLY got the chance to meet some of
Another review for the month–that’s been languishing far too long in draft format. This one comes courtesy an author who braved the ridiculously long list
Every indie author I know is looking for ways to maximize their exposure and reinforce their legitimacy. This evening, I found a free database tool